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Friends of Lucia 2025

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25 Jan 2025

Friends of Lucia


Content View Hits : 1613918

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Consulate General of Sweden



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Friends of Lucia Print

As everyone knows, Continental Airlines is no more (and, as a result, we have lost our sponsor of Lucia's airfare from Houston to Sweden). Thus, it becomes incumbent upon the members of the Club to step up and donate to support the long-standing tradition of the Club of sending its Lucia to Sweden. A number of sponsorship levels are available:

Sponsorship Level

View Cart Print
Membership Checkout Print

If paying via Venmo:
Navigate to and follow the on-screen instructions (be sure to specify that you're applying for/renewing your Swedish Club of Houston membership)!

If paying by credit card:
After clicking "Add to Cart" you will leave the Swedish Club web site and be taken to the PayPal Checkout page (which will open in a new tab).  Click the bottom "Check Out" button to pay by credit card without a PayPal account.

Annual Dues
Fika Checkout Print

If paying via Venmo:
Navigate to and follow the on-screen instructions (be sure to specify that you're paying for the Semla Day Fika)!

If paying by credit card:
After clicking "Add to Cart" you will leave the Swedish Club web site and be taken to the PayPal Checkout page (which will open in a new tab). There, you will be able to adjust the quantity attending from your household. If you want to add multiple items to your cart (e.g. Membership Renewal for 2025), be sure to click on the browser tab that corresponds to this page to return here; do not press the PayPal "Continue shopping" link!

Donate Print
Swedish School Checkout Print

If paying via Venmo:
Navigate to and follow the on-screen instructions (be sure to specify that you're paying for Swedish classes)!

If paying by credit card:
After clicking "Add to Cart" you will leave the Swedish Club web site and be taken to the PayPal Checkout page (which will open in a new tab). If you want to add multiple items to your cart (e.g. Books and/or Membership), be sure to click on the browser tab that corresponds to this page to return here; do not press the PayPal "Continue shopping" link!

Beginner Tuition (15 Weeks)
Tuition (11 Weeks)
Annual Dues